Nick and Mindy adopted their son, Silas, in August of 2013, after seven years of marriage and two years of unexplained infertility. They always expected adoption to be a way they would grow their family, but they never anticipated coming to adoption by way of the pain and struggle of infertility. Silas is a daily reminder that God’s work is mysterious, good, and something neither of them could have scripted for their family.
These days, they find themselves living amidst the joys of parenthood, while still sorting through the confusion and pain of infertility. This has meant learning to live the life that God has given them, rather than the one they thought they’d have. They can say with honesty that they wouldn’t trade this complicated life for something easier, which speaks to the ways God continues to sustain them and give them life, even when he doesn’t give them all the answers they want.
Mindy and Nick live in Southern California, where Nick is a pastor at ROCKHARBOR church. Mindy is a part-time fourth grade teacher and a full-time mom to Silas. She also blogs at